Required Documents

1. Power of Attorney

A letter issued by the employer authorizing Perfect Destination Pvt.Ltd. to act on behalf of the employer in recruiting the required number of workers and to carry out all necessary formalities related with the respective Embassy and the related agencies of the government of Nepal.

To be attested by Chamber of Commerce or The Nepalese Embassy or The Government authorities (Notary Public) & Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


2. Agency Contract (Agreement) Paper

This agreement is made between Perfect Destination Pvt.Ltd. and the Employer Company on the Employer company’s letter head stating clearly and precisely all terms and conditions regarding recruitment of manpower from Nepal.(To be attested by Chamber of Commerce & Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ConsularLetter is required only for Saudi Arabia.)


3. Demand Letter

A formal letter issued by the employer addressing Perfect Destination Pvt.Ltd. with full detail of the job categories, number of workers, monthly salary, contract period, working hours and all other facilities like food, accommodation medical and air passage.

To be attested by Chamber of Commerce or The Nepalese Embassy or The Government authorities (Notary Public) & Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


4. Employment Contract (Agreement) Paper

This agreement is made between the company (Employer) and the Employee on the company’s letter head stating clearly and precisely all terms and conditions regarding manpower supply from Nepal.


5. Authority/Consular letter/Wakala (For Saudi Arabia Only)

This letter is issued by the employer addressing the Consulate General of the respective Embassy intimating him of appointment of Perfect Destination the lawful agent of the employer their authorization to act on behalf of the employers and to carry out all Visa formalities with the Embassy with particular Visa. The Consular letter is applicable in case of issue of original Visa by the employer and in most cases it is applicable for recruitment of Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.(To be attested by Chamber of Commerce & Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Consular Letter is required only for Saudi Arabia only and should be in Arabic Language.)


6. Guarantee Letter

This letter is issued by the employer addressing the Consulate General of the Respective Embassy intimating him of appointment of Perfect Destination Pvt.Ltd., as the lawful agent of the employer their authorization toact on behalf of the employers and to carry out all Visa formalities with the Embassy with particular Visa. The Consular letter is applicable in case of issue of original Visa by the employer and in most cases it is applicable for recruitment of Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


7. Required Documents For Qatar & Dubai to Recruit Manpower From Nepal

Demand Letter.
Power of Attorney.
Guanrantee Letter.
Employment Contract
Agency Agreement.


Required Documents For Saudi Arabia to Recruit Manpower From Nepal

Visa Slip.
Consulate Authorization Letter.(WAKALA)
Power of Attorney.
Commercial Registration.
Employment Contract.
Demand Letter.
Agency Agreement.
Guarantee Letter.


Required Documents For Malaysia to Recruit Manpower From Nepal

KDN approval (from Labour Ministry).
Translation Letter (from Labour Ministry or Home Ministry).
Power of Attorney.
His Excellancy (Letter written by the employer company to Malaysian Consular in Nepal).
Employment Contract.
Demand Letter.
Agency Agreement.
Letter from the Nepalese Embassy to Labour Department Nepal.
Notary Public (Notary Awam).
ID copy of authorised person of Employer Company.


8. Commercial Registration Certificate

9. Copy of identity Card / Passport of Employer.

10. PTA (Prepaid Ticket Advice) wherever applicable.